Good food 101 body mind nutrition good food 101 nutrition May 07, 2023

Good food 101

What is good food?  Most people think they have a pretty good idea but when I nut it out with many, I realise there is much to be learnt by a lot of people, hence me talking about it now.

Our body breaks down foods to an energy source it can effectively use. These energy...

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How do we get healthy? backpainsolution body mind nutrition good health nutrition Apr 30, 2023

One step at a time!

There are 3 aspects to good health.

  • Body - Your physical fitness, and general musculoskeletal health
  • Mind - Your mental health, motivation, your thinking and your spirit/soul 
  • Nutrition - What you eat and when you eat

The problem is, over 60% of the population are not...

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The importance of Balance for good health backpain backpainfreedom balance metabolic health proprioception Apr 23, 2023

Proprioception is the sense that allows us to perceive the position, movement, and force of our own body parts. It is a critical component of balance and body awareness, and plays a huge role in maintaining good health.

Proprioceptive balance, in particular, refers to the ability to maintain...

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The truth about sit-ups and why crunches are safer for your lower back Apr 16, 2023

The truth about full sit-ups and why crunches are safer for your lower back.

Are you looking to strengthen your abdominal muscles and get that six-pack? If so, you may or may not know the differences between full sit-ups and crunches.

While both exercises target the rectus abdominus muscles, it's...

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STOP going to the gym! backpain exercise foundations gym metabolic health rebuild Apr 09, 2023

If you have ongoing back pain, whether that be anything from a niggle to a severe issue, STOP going to the gym, stop exercising and listen carefully!

Don’t get me wrong, I truly believe exercise is beneficial for health; mental, social and physical BUT if you have any type of ongoing back...

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The truth about headaches and what you can do about them 3stepstoabetterback backpain headaches metabolic health neck pain Apr 02, 2023

Are you tired of dealing with frequent headaches and migraines? The truth is that head pain is complicated.  Headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, poor posture, dehydration, and even certain medical conditions, and there are a massive number of different types of...

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The truth about lunges and why they are not a good exercise FULL STOP! Mar 26, 2023

Whether you are struggling with back pain or not, DO NOT add lunges to your fitness routine? I personally see no real benefits from the lunge exercise and I will even go so far to say that lunges are detrimental to the health of your back.

Here’s why:

Lunges are not functional. I have...

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Alcohol...losing flavour or not? 3stepstoabetterback alcohol backpain backpainfreedom backpainsolution metabolic health Mar 19, 2023

Lets face it. Alcohol is an integral part of our society with social, financial and tax implications that will unlikely see it ever being excluded.

However, it it were an illegal drug in our society right now, there is no way it would be made legal due to it’s complex and multifaceted...

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Just Move! 3stepstoabetterback backpain backpainfreedom backpainsolution healthy metabolic health movement Mar 12, 2023

Movement is essential for life. Our body is constantly moving internally, processing, growing, fighting, learning, unlearning, nourishing etc.

Movement is a foundation to health…at the right times.  Basically, your should move often, and rarely do nothing. This keeps blood flowing at...

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Body Awareness! Mar 05, 2023

Body awareness refers to the conscious perception and understanding of one's own body, including its physical sensations, movements, and position in space.

It involves being able to focus attention on different parts of the body and being able to differentiate between different physical...

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Foundations are the key! 3stepstoabetterback backpain backpainfreedom backpainsolution foundations Feb 27, 2023

Foundations are extremely important in nearly every aspect of life.

If we don’t have solid, strong and versatile foundations, then we are literally operating on unstable ground and metaphorically speaking, likely to fall, collapse, stumble, trip etc.

In relation to our body, me must...

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Just Walk! 3stepstoabetterback backpain backpainfreedom backpainsolution walk walking Feb 20, 2023

We often beat ourselves up for not doing enough activity or we have some kind of wrong belief in our heads that if we don’t do enough exercise, we will put on weight.

We need to get these beliefs out of or minds. Yes, we need to exercise, it is exceptionally beneficial for our health in...

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