Pancreatic Cancer, Diabetes, and the Power of Lifestyle Choices anti inflammatory diet diabetes intermittent fasting pancreatic cancer your ultimate self Sep 25, 2023

Pancreatic cancer is a formidable adversary in the world of oncology, known for its aggressive nature and often late-stage diagnosis. It's projected that by 2030, pancreatic cancer will become the second most common cancer in Australia, highlighting the urgency of understanding its risk factors...

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Redefining Mealtime don't graze intermittent fasting your ultimate self Sep 18, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, we're often told that frequent snacking and multiple small meals a day are the keys to sustained energy and optimal health. However, emerging research and a growing body of evidence are challenging this conventional wisdom. Let's explore why swapping your usual eating...

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🌟 Fast Your Way to Better Health! 🕒💚 healthy living intermittent fasting your ultimate self Jul 31, 2023

Intermittent fasting, when done with appropriate guidance, can be a powerful tool on your journey to a better, healthier life! In "Your Ultimate Self" program, we believe in harnessing the benefits of intermittent fasting for optimal well-being. Let's explore how it can transform your life!


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🌟 "Do you feel you need to eat after you exercise?" 🍽️💪 exercise fasting and exercise intermittent fasting Jul 09, 2023

"Do you feel you need to eat after you exercise?"

Let's debunk a common myth and explore the relationship between exercise and eating. Contrary to popular belief, you may not need to eat immediately after your workout, especially if you're following an intermittent fasting eating plan. Here's...

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Unleash Energy: The Power of Time-Restricted Eating body mind nutrition inflammation intermittent fasting time restricted eating Jun 11, 2023

Unleash Energy: The Power of Time-Restricted Eating

Discover the transformative effects of time-restricted eating: A simple approach to optimise your health. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of this practice to overcome inflammation, pain, weight concerns, and fatigue, allowing you to...

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